Thursday, April 17, 2008

#20 YouTube - can be a different way of learning

I have mainly used YouTube for entertainment - practical jokes, animations - weird and funny stuff. That's what YouTube is full off - stuff.

However, during this journey, I have used YouTube for learning. It has been great to watch short introductions to a particular application. The videos were usually produced by Commoncraft videos and of high standard.

I have found that my understanding of a particular subject gets better if the information is presented to me in various formats - video clips being one.

While exploring YouTube for this task I have found that:

- The videos shouldn't be too long. Otherwise the viewer may loose interest.
- There needs to be a clearly defined point (funny, informative, aestetic, etc) with the video right from the beginning.
- Sound should be used - even though it is only a slide show then a background tune should be incorporated. It's simply more interesting then!

In a library setting, we would be able to use YouTube to show our local history photos as a slide show. We could record interviews with authors, clips of highlights from a particular event (teaser), and we could educate our users in how to use the catalogue. I found a video which does exactly that - in Danish. See the post "Sog in".

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